Rona a Month Ago
Matatus: exquisite works of art on wheels and where I draw the majority of my despair. Predominantly because there are multiple areas of improvement within this transport method. Today’s encounter tested my thermal comfort and my faith. Packed in a 14-seater to transverse 4 counties, I was too frugal to shell out an additional ksh50 that comes with the shuttle luxury of 3 fewer seats.
Two hours have elapsed. We are still at the bus stop waiting for two more travellers for us to be on our way. It is a sauna! And rather than the euphoria experienced in a steam chamber, I sit in a sticky agitated mass of paranoia even though the windows are closed as I use my phone. Thank goodness, we are finally off.
As soon as the thought flashed in my mind, someone starts coughing. Lord, is this how it all ends? Not 10 minutes later, ‘seat 11’ gives my standby paranoia a jump start with a much chestier cough. At this point, I’m inspired to deliver a stirring sermon on the end times: how our persistent refusal to open windows will be our Armageddon. No offering will be collected as this is my CSR (commuter social responsibility) Neither shall supplication for long life be offered. Is the prayer hotline a joke? You warm carbon dioxide recycling thanites*!
*For all you non-conversant with Freud, Thanos is a death wish, it only stands to reason that thanites are those actively seeking to hasten their mortality
Originally published at on March 30, 2020.