A Case for the Washer
Billowing winds ferrying the fabulous fragrance of freshly dry laundry comes at a price. That once a week, one hour stint hunched over an assortment of buckets and basins to clear out the piling mountain of soiled clothes -between the two of us, it is to avoid accumulation over another week. A groan as I uncoil from the hunched position I had been transposed me to a very useful science class about machines: making work easier.
Surely, any sensible human wants to lighten their load, within the bounds of the law, and washing machines plug seamlessly into my quandary. Obviously, washing on the verandah outclasses doing so by a river that could conceivably be crocodile-infested, but is it not the purpose of development to constantly improve upon the status quo?
Here are three reasons I believe housing units should be fitted with a washing machine area or have a laundromat such as mimi fua, osha na coin in the locale but my favourite is Hamoo you simply must try them!
1. Time-saving — like this numbered list, which is not to insult your intelligence but to make a point. Responsibilities only seem to increase disproportionately to the hours in a day. Sorting my brights from my darks then pressing a few buttons would be the only activities keeping me from clean fabric. As the attires tumble is a sudsy bath, I can redirect my energy to tasks I actually enjoy, including hanging the clothes once the machine beep signals a complete rinse cycle.
2. Less water. There certainly is much debate around how much water mechanical washing uses. This has motivated leading brands to consider more eco-friendly versions that reduce the amount of water utilized, impact a lower carbon footprint, accommodate higher load capacities, emit less noise and reduce electricity consumption. Talk about an SDJ — sustainable development jackpot!
3. Less plastic. Remember the aforementioned kenpolys and kenplasts? Few if any of those will be cluttering your possibly limited spaces since the only basket you’ll have will double for pre (dirty) and post (clean) laundry, achieving a minimalistic lifestyle without even trying.
As a bonus, the scent of clean dry laundry is what would be visualised by a gentle panda gleefully rolling across lavender fields in the temperate sunshine!