The Con in ConsumerThe luxury of browsing items for purchase from the comfort of a bed in a questionable state of undress (seng’enge ni ng’ombe haute…Aug 5, 20231Aug 5, 20231
Motorist M.OMotorists using multimodal roads as their private F1 tracks, please! Spare us the unnecessary theatrics. Not until you can afford a…Mar 14, 2023Mar 14, 2023
A Case for the WasherBillowing winds ferrying the fabulous fragrance of freshly dry laundry comes at a price. That once a week, one hour stint hunched over an…Mar 14, 2023Mar 14, 2023
Location UnknownIt might be safe to assume you do not have a personal chauffeur if you aren’t in the 1%. Save for the occasional COVID Uber where you ride…Apr 16, 2022Apr 16, 2022
Demystifying The Myth IIIOn the road to change, awareness is the first step. We are now more familiar with the prejudices against mental illness in the workplace…Jul 27, 2021Jul 27, 2021
DEMYSTIFYING THE MYTH IIDemystify the myth. It sounds very 1970’s — a hippie hollering at a Wall Street investment banker after having imbibed a little something…Jul 6, 2021Jul 6, 2021
Demystifying The Myth II recently got a call from a friend on the 2nd day of December 2020. We hadn’t spoken for a long while. 0900h, so I was just settling at…May 1, 2021May 1, 2021
Choose Your WeaponA philatelist collects stamps and a numismatist collects coins/medals. We are all too familiar with the tax collector who would have…Sep 4, 2020Sep 4, 2020
House HauntingThe time is nigh to spread your wings and fly. This is about the extent of my poetic prowess in trying to express moving out. Whether one…Aug 21, 2020Aug 21, 2020
Who? What? Now!?Renovations are not that large an economic contributor east of the south of the Sahara, much less residential renovation. Not that I am…Apr 22, 2020Apr 22, 2020